"Our Cannabis real from California. you have to try we have Hybrid Sativa Indica THC CBD cookie every monday Live DJ party welcome to join us marijuana store bar underground electronic music kung fu tea"
Arnaque<br>1er passage la promotion est respecter et au deuxi�me passage il propose toujours 3 acheter 1 offert et finalement on t'offre moins que la moiti� et quand j'y suis retourner pour comprendre , on t'explique que c'est normal et que la pub est fausse que �a change tout le temps<br><br>Suite � votre r�ponse je vous informe que le personnel �tait le m�me donc malheureusement votre r�ponse ne tiens pas la route
Worst shop in koh lanta, they advertise lies…<br>They say ��buy 3g, get 1 for free��, but they give you only 0,5…<br>Don’t buy from them, there are plenty of good shops around !
Best weed shop in the island, proper quality!<br>The owner is also an amazing DJ and got her booth in store. Good music and good vibe to smoke and chill!