Great cannabis and very nice staff
Best shop on Railey Beach
super friendly welcome and good advice ð
this place really hits the spot, nice weed and friendly personal
totally recommend!
Great service and really Friendly staff! CBD and thc. Really great selection too!
(Translated by Google) Really good stuff.
(Translated by Google) Clean, convenient, comfortable
āļŠāļ°āļāļēāļ āļŠāļ°āļāļ§āļ āļŠāļāļēāļĒ
Great services from the staffâĶ recommended. The chilling space is also very cool
(Translated by Google) The store is clean, fully stocked, and has a good atmosphere.
āļĢāđāļēāļāļŠāļ°āļāļēāļ āļāļāļāļāļĢāļ āļāļĢāļĢāļĒāļēāļāļēāļĻāļāļĩāļāļąāļ
(Translated by Google) This shop has a very good atmosphere. I guarantee you won't come to see a doctor. ðð
āļĢāđāļēāļāļāļĩāđāļāļĢāļĢāļĒāļēāļāļēāļĻāļāļĩ āļĄāļēāļāļāļĢāđāļēāļ āļĢāļąāļāļĢāļāļāđāļĄāđāļĄāļēāļ§āļ§āđāļāļŦāļēāļŦāļĄāļāđāļāļāļĢāļąāļāļðð
(Translated by Google) Very angry, pure evil
āđāļāļāļĢāđāļāļĢāļĩāļĒāļ āđāļāļĢāļĩāļĒāļāļāļĢāļīāļŠāļļāļāļāļīāđ
(Translated by Google) Good products from this shop. Reasonable prices. If you're drunk, you must go to this shop.
āļāļāļāļāļĩāļĢāđāļēāļāļāļĩāđāđāļĨāļĒāļāļĢāļąāļ āļĢāļēāļāļēāļāļąāļāđāļāļ āđāļĄāļēāđāļāđāļāļāļĢāđāļēāļāļāļĩāđāļāļĢāļąāļ
(Translated by Google) If you're tipsy, you have to go to this shop. Reasonable prices.
āđāļĄāļēāļŦāļąāļ§āļāļīāđāļĄāļāđāļāļāļĢāđāļēāļāļāļĩāđāļāļĢāļąāļ āļĢāļēāļāļēāļāļąāļāđāļāļāļ
(Translated by Google) Friendly prices, very good employees. If you're head over heels drunk, you have to go to this shop.ðĪðŧ
āļĢāļēāļāļēāļāļąāļāđāļāļ āļāļāļąāļāļāļēāļāļāļĩāļĄāļēāļāļāļĢāļąāļ āđāļĄāļēāļŦāļąāļ§āļāļīāđāļĄāļāđāļāļāļĢāđāļēāļāļāļĩāđāļāļĢāļąāļðĪðŧ
(Translated by Google) The shop has good service, the shop is clean, the seller is good, I recommend.
āļĢāđāļēāļāļāļĢāļīāļāļēāļĢāļāļĩāļāļąāļ āļĢāđāļēāļāļŠāļ°āļāļēāļ āļāđāļāļāđāļēāđāļāļ°āļāļģāļāļĩāļāļĢāļąāļ
(Translated by Google) So awesome
(Translated by Google) Good stuff. Please tell me. Haha.
āļāļāļāļāļĩ āļāļāļ āļāļēāļāļāļāļāļāđāļ555
(Translated by Google) Genuine products, this shop provides 10 star service ðĨ°
āļāļāļāđāļāļĢāđāļāļąāļāļĢāđāļēāļāļāļĩāđ āļāļĢāļīāļāļēāļĢ10āļāļēāļ§ðĨ°
(Translated by Google) So cool!
(Translated by Google) Very good service.
I was so impressed that I didn't want to go home.
(Translated by Google) Very good. This shop is the best. ðâĪïļ
(Translated by Google) The store is very clean, the seller is well recommended. Very friendly ðŠī
āļĢāđāļēāļāļŠāļ°āļāļēāļāļĄāļēāļ āļāđāļāļāđāļēāđāļāļ°āļāļģāļāļĩ āđāļāđāļāļāļąāļāđāļāļāļŠāļļāļāđāļāđāļēāļðŠī
(Translated by Google) Good service, good recommendation
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