We went to MD-82 cafe by Grab taxi from BTS Onnut. Paid around 130 baht for Grab, would probably be cheaper if you take a regular taxi.
The place was tucked in a small street but was isolated from other establishments which was nice for pictures.
The size of the plane seemed like a 70-100 seater plane, not too big. It was clean and bright inside and outside. Love the tube/jet bridge going up the plane, feels like the real thing. No cockpit experience though but they had airplane seats which were big and comfy, with overhead compartments that give you the real airplane feels. Good thing there weren't a lot of customers during lunch time coz seems like they weren't strict on distancing between tables. (Opens at 12nn)
Staff downstairs could communicate well in English but some "FA" servers had a hard time communicating with us foreigners but were very accommodating and prompt.
Food was good and reasonably priced, nothing outstanding. We ordered beef burger, ham and mushroom pizza and bbq chicken. Not bad. Would eat there again.
We were served with coffee that was for the next table so we ended up paying for it (our choice to keep the drink). We ordered 2 beef burgers but had the 2nd burger too late, just before we billed out so we ended up having to take it away instead. And also they served Cannabis chicken, tea and other stuff on their menu. So if you're into that, this place is worth a visit.
All on all, we had a nice time, took loads of photos specially on the wing ð and went home full and happy since the reason we went there in the first place was because we miss the feeling of being in a plane. Would come back again.
(Translated by Google) I took a few photos. It's clean and beautiful. I like it.
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(Translated by Google) Ok restaurant, delicious food, inexpensive price
(Translated by Google) Hello, wow, good.
Another airplane themed cafe in the heart of Bangkok. Aviation enthusiasts will surely love this one! Want to fly again, but can't due to pandemic? Worry no more because MD-82 Cafe will let you go inside an airplane cabin and feel like flying again. Plenty of foods and beverages are offered on board. Cabin crew (staff) are nice and friendly. Accessible - just on the main road. Place is clean. Had fun coming to this place. Awesome!
(Translated by Google) The shop isn't very big, they can handle orders just fine, but it's worrying when there's a lot of queues. The food and drinks are delicious and the prices aren't too high. Except for the special menu, marijuana is a little expensive, which I didn't order.
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(Translated by Google) Very good coffee, good atmosphere on the plane, ok staff.
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(Translated by Google) beautiful place Moderately flavored food
Not surprising
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(Translated by Google) Take fun photos and make a reservation.
āļāđāļēāļĒāļĢāļđāļāļŠāļāļļāļ āđāļāļāļ§āļāļāļāļāļāļīāļ§
If you miss flying and miss the plane MD-82 cafe' is good place to check out. You will see a lots #Canabis symbol around. Outside of plane you will hear live music. They have car-parking.
(Translated by Google)
Inside is very beautiful.
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