The best shop of its kind in Nong Khai.
Friendly service by the owner. Great quality product I will definitely be back again.
(Translated by Google) Got a cheap arrangementðŊðŊ
āđāļāđāļāļēāļĢāļāļąāļ āļĢāļēāļāļēāļāļđāļðŊðŊ
(Translated by Google) Good price, worth it
I recently visited Stone Queen during a trip to Nongkhai and unfortunately, my experience was less than satisfactory. I had chosen a hotel nearby specifically to explore this attraction, eager to indulge in some local culture. However, upon arriving, I was dismayed to find it closed with no indication of when it would open.
Despite waiting for a considerable 20 minutes in the sweltering heat, there was no sign of any sellers or activity. This lack of communication or presence from the establishment was highly frustrating and greatly diminished my visit.
While I understand that circumstances may arise causing closures, better communication or at least a notice would have been appreciated. Hopefully, the management can take steps to ensure such disappointments are minimized in the future.
(Translated by Google) Very good service
(Translated by Google)
5 stars for this shop, good prices, affordable, very good quality flowers, a regular shop.
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(Translated by Google)
It is the best marijuana shop in Nong Khai. I came to visit and stayed in Nong Khai for two nights and went to try other shops until I found this shop. Complete with all the products. The owner of the shop is kind and gives 1 g for free. The staff can speak the language. The price is not expensive. Flowers start at 30 baht. Up to hundreds of baht, every good and fragrant item comes to Nong Khai. Next time I will come to this shop again.
No not open at 10am, thanksâĶ it was a nice walk over. :)
Good stuff in here guaranteeðŊ
Great shop. Guys were super helpful. 1 guy speaks English.
(Translated by Google) Genuine item from my brother's shop.ðĪŊðĪŊ
(Translated by Google) The real thing, the real thing, the real thing, the real thing
āļāļāļāđāļāđāļāļāļāđāļāđāļāļāļāđāļāđ āļāļāļāđāļāđāđāļāđāļŦāļ§āļē
(Translated by Google) Good product, very impressed, cheap price too.
(Translated by Google) I eat in bed ððž
Yot yiam ððž
Great dispensery near border
The best quality Weed i Had so far in Thailand, and that for quite fair prices. It is even very Well fermentated. One of the workers speaks very good english. Can recommend this Store to everyone WHO enjoys amazing Weed.
No lie in the shop is amazing. Good weed grown by the man himself. Great space and cute doggos for ambiance A+ open at ten if you up early like me. Perfect before a border cross
Just a few miles from the border to Laos, this dispensary and headshop is a real hidden gem. Run by young local farmers they'll provide you with anything you need and host you in an extraordinary way. They even got a lottery with exciting prices coming along with your purchase.
Nice guys good selection ð
no more reviews