The staff is really nice and chill
Been to many dispensaries across Bangkok, and could easily say this is one of the best! This place somewhat reminds me of those dispensaries in LA, big and flashy from outside But inside you’ll be greeted by their lovely staffs, (especially the one whose name I can’t recall but it starts with T…?, who is the best! Very knowledgeable, friendly (I even got freebies!), and as a plus, they have lots of variety of strains. Definitely my go-to when I’m in Chiang Mai (I’ll be getting my freebies the next time I’m in town! )
The service lady is very friendly and there are many types of cannabis.
5 star service and products staff are very friendly
Absolutely 5/5 . Whole different level. Do yourself a favour
Superb hot chocolate and hot caramel. Will come here again for beverages.
Great shop, clean, tidy and very nice strains. Nice staff and good lounge which is comfy and has great Air Conditioning
Awesome service and great recommendations
(Translated by Google) The shop assistants are rude and think we don’t understand. They say bad things about others.
Greenland 真的就是一家大型的大麻商店,這種就是商業感比較重一點的,但樓中樓的格局,二樓是開放給大家「試貨」用,一樓後面還有一個小吧台,不怕抽完口乾舌燥沒有東西喝。我也在這裡買了一盒軟糖,軟糖的吃法我建議先吃一點點測一下,半小時後沒感覺再補就好,不要稀哩呼嚕的全部嗑光,保證你一天就癱掉沒行程了。<br><br>總體來說,大型店家應該是因為營運成本的關係,所以單品價格比較貴一些,當然花苞也都是挑選過,外表賣相比較好,就想像成比較潮的生鮮超市吧。<br><br>其中店家CBD產品也有陳列,不過我是臭俗辣,根本沒有打算在泰國買CBD,而且都有THC了幹嘛還買CBD呢?:D<br><br>老實說,筆者這邊真的不建議從泰國帶CBD產品回來,首先,標籤都是泰文居多,能不能符合領先全球的台灣標準是非常有疑慮的,畢竟泰國目前法規未臻明確,超量THC恐怕只是常態。<br><br>我是麻麻呼呼的麻麻,我推薦Greenland
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It’s a very cool shop.
The staff are very caring and good service.