This place is a rough diamond.<br><br>The owner is a crazy old pirate-looking, potsmoking gentleman, who does his utmost to make you feel welcome, conjuring up small treats and gifts while pumping out reggae from his Bluetooth loudspeaker.<br><br>I was surprised to see Google feature an actual menu, because we never saw one. The owner asked us, in authentic pidgin English, what we would like to eat, served us a drink and got on his moped to buy fresh produce, which he or his charming wife would then cook in the kitchen in the back.<br><br>Fantastic delicious authentic Thai food, low prices (half of what you pay on the beach) and a dining experience on old tables and benches clamped together from old driftwood and decorated with whatever this old pirate had found on the island or washed up on the beach. I believe I saw an old vintage dentist chair somewhere.<br><br>This is not an ordinary restaurant, but if you have an open mind and treat other people with respect, you will have a great time at Nid's Reggae Bar. We did, and came back more than once.
Ein absolutes Erlebnis... Essen topp, Ambiente unglaublich und der Service war auch super. Man kann dort stundenlang verweilen und findet immer wieder etwas Neues an dem das Auge h�ngen bleibt.
Bester Platz f�r chillige Abende in Ko chang
Great place to enjoy nice atmosphere of past. Very good personal. Food needs to be ordered day before as there is no to much guests so they buy fresh based on your pre-order. Very happy here.
Loved this place and the vibe, owner was great !!
Like walking into a 2nd hand shop. Sensory overload. Food is great, drinks are cheap...
Home boy waved me off rudely at 4:20, and then just straight up hid in the back while the dog barked the next day.
Tried to give him a chance but he seems very fearful of anyone he doesn't know.
Cheap prices, great music!
Best Thai food and very nice people.
Best thaifood in the world - made like your grandmother would make it ♥♥<br>Best relaxed ambient feeling in Koh Chang. Super friendly owner family, cosy like home. You gotta go here for Thaifood if in Koh Chang.
Great Food, one of the best in Koh Chang, great Bar style and real reggae feeling. We always enjoy NIDs Kitchen. Please note that the restaurant moved from Klong Prao to Kai Bae. From Klong prao, take the new (!) road to kai bae, parallel to the walking street and you find NIDs Kitchen on the right side after a small hill
Super soir�e au top les musiciens tha�
Best Tha� food in Koh Chang!!! And cheap drinks! Quiet place