Good store, staff was very nice and helpful, i recommend
Drop in check them out good weed nice people
Great place, very chill and nice a/c with plenty of beers of tap
Pourquoi afficher un prix de 350฿ sur une weed qui co�te finalement 550฿ ? C’est tr�s d�cevant et donne une impression de tromperie. Quand j’ai fait la remarque, on m’a simplement dit que celle � 350฿ �tait en rupture… Dans ce cas, il faudrait penser � mettre � jour les affichages pour �viter ce genre de confusion. De plus, on p�se maintenant tout juste au gramme, alors qu’avant on avait toujours un petit plus. Depuis le changement de propri�taire, le service s’est vraiment d�grad�. Je ne reviendrai pas
Such a nice place to chill out and really good selection of weeds and beers. Naynay is super friendly and really helpful.
Nice and clean. And gas smoke
Very nice weed!! Good prices
Some of the flower is top shelf !
Very chill and good stuff also, recommend
i love naynay <3 When I came here, she exemplified everything properly and helped us a lot... Pakalolo 懶
Great Experience! Got personalized recommendations and they even rolled it for us!
Nay nay gave us a wonderful welcome on our first night in Thailand, we love here and thank you for the help
Very good price for the best stash
Great service - very happy
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