Weed in Thailand - WeedMaps for Thailand

CBD Charlottes Angel flower results

CBD Charlottes Angel is a unique strain that is sure to satisfy even the most discerning cannabis connoisseur. It has a 1% THC content, as well as a 15% CBD content.

CBD Charlottes Angel is a 50% sativa and 50% indica strain.

You can find CBD Charlottes Angel at Bitter Buds in Bangkok.

Be sure to ask your local dispensary about availability, and don't forget to check out all of their strains and cannabis related products while you're there.

placeholderCBD Charlottes Angel
1% THC - 15% CBD - 50% INDICA - 50% SATIVA
Product from Thai grower, who has their own farm in Northeastern of Thailand. and this strain also a medical grade that export to the Government Pharmaceutical Organization of Thailand(GPO)

Products similar to CBD Charlottes Angel

The following results showcase shops which sell flowers which are similar to CBD Charlottes Angel.

1% THC - 16% CBD - 50% INDICA - 50% SATIVA
Happy - Relaxed - Sleepy
15% CBD - 50% INDICA - 50% SATIVA
It is most commonly used to treat chronic pain, anxiety, inflammation, and insomnia. One study showed that CBD may relieve pain by affecting receptors of the endocannabinoid system, which helps regulate pain, mood, and memory, in addition to many other physiological and cognitive functions.