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Static hash Hillary flower results

Static hash Hillary is a unique strain that is sure to satisfy even the most discerning cannabis connoisseur. It has a 65% THC content, as well as a 0% CBD content.

Static hash Hillary is a 50% sativa and 50% indica strain.

You can find Static hash Hillary at SEN4.20 (แสน4.20 กัญชา นางรอง) in Buri Ram.

Be sure to ask your local dispensary about availability, and don't forget to check out all of their strains and cannabis related products while you're there.

Products similar to Static hash Hillary

The following results showcase shops which sell flowers which are similar to Static hash Hillary.

AAA ระดับ
65% thc - 50% indica - 50% sativa
Feelings: Hungry. Sleepy. Tingly
AAAA ระดับ
63% thc - 50% indica - 50% sativa
We have the following strains: Cherry Gelato 45 microns Bubble hash 1 g -> 900 baht 3 g -> 2600 baht 5 g -> 3,750 baht 10 g -> 7000 baht - Guava Juice 45 microns Bubble hash 1 g -> 900 baht 3 g -> 2600 baht 5 g -> 3,750 baht 10 g -> 7000 baht - GMO 45 microns Bubble hash 1 g -> 750 baht 3 g -> 2100 baht 5 g -> 3,250 baht 10 g -> 5900 baht - Greasy Garlic 45 microns Bubble hash 1 g -> 750 baht 3 g -> 2100 baht 5 g -> 3,250 baht 10 g -> 5900 baht - Jelly Gelato 25 microns Bubble hash 1 g -> 790 baht 3 g -> 2100 baht 5 g -> 3,250 baht 10 g -> 5900 baht Bubble Hash is a solventless extract prepared with ice water that is immensely popular among cannabis consumers, particularly those seeking powerful, clean products free of potentially harmful substances. It’s also a good choice for people who want something stronger than regular flower but not quite as potent as some of the other concentrates on the market.