Eine wundersch�ne Aussichtsplattform mit Sicht auf die Bucht von Ko Tao. Wir haben zu weit rund 2 Wochen bei Jim in einem Zimmer f�r 400 Baht die Nacht gewonnt. Bei Jim und seine Familie zu leben war wirklich angenehm. Ein Besuch lohnt sich zu 100%<br><br>Max
Most wonderfull place on the island with the most kind and nice people hosting us. The view is amazing and absolutly worth visiting! When google Maps stops just follow the big signs !!
Faites une petite pause chez la dame qui tient le bar, elle est adorable et n’a que tr�s peu de passage car les personnes qui passent en scooter ne s’arr�te pas. Son histoire est tr�s �mouvante 殺
My mountain family. Sit, relax, have a coconut.
SCAM ALERT! They charge you 100 thb to access the road to the view point even though they have nothing to do with it. Will collect your money again at the view point so don't pay them!!! It used to be a nice bar, sad to see what they are doing now...
Fresh Coconut after a long hike
Super pause sur la route mango beach. Un endroit qui surprend dans le bon sens du terme. Arr�tez vous
We had some drinks and funny conversation here. He told us something about the island where to save some money.
Great little place stopped for a I've coffee and smoke狼, but wouldn't return because of the conditions the monkey is living with. Very sad
I got there walking after a high way, and all thai people gave me a fresh welcome
Terrible experience! At first, the people were super friendly. We negotiated two bottles of gas with a guy called Joe. When we had agreed, he filled the two bottles in our tank. However, when I gave him the money, he refused me the change.<br><br>He did not talk to himself any more and to top it off he just laughed. When we disagreed, he and his friend threatened us. My advice to all who want to Mango View Point, avoid this terrible place with its fraudulent people! They just want to cheat on you.
I wouldn't recommend stopping at this bar. The owners are very unfriendly and cheat when possible. We negotiated that we buy gasoline for a cheaper price but after paying he didn't give us back our change.<br>Just be careful here.
Betrug!!!! Wer hier oder rund um die Aussichtspunkte sein Scooter aus den Augen l�sst muss damit rechnen das die Reifen kaputt gemacht werden. Da man dort sehr weit au�erhalb ist bleibt einem nichts anderes �brig als den Reifen dort f�r 400 baht wechseln zu lassen.
Cute decor. Run by a bunch of friendly old alco’s. Didn’t feel entirely safe. They had cold Coca-Cola though, so not all bad.
Seems like a very good place
Very friendly guys. Best place to leave the scooter if planning to visit Mango Bay