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(Translated by Google) There are many to choose from, reasonable prices. The store is clean, next to the road, easy to fill up. The salespeople are the best ððð
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(Translated by Google) âGood stuffâ
(Translated by Google) The shop has a very good atmosphere, you can sit and relax, the air conditioning is cool, and the products are of very good quality. Affordable price The employees at the shop are all very nice. I really like them.
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(Translated by Google) Good atmosphere, promotions always available, good products.
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(Translated by Google) Good quality items
āļāļāļāļāļĩ āļĄāļĩāļāļļāļāļ āļēāļ
(Translated by Google) The first hole was fine. The next hole, my eyes started to turn red. Their stuff is really good. I recommend it.
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(Translated by Google) New shop in the Khlong 4 area, good atmosphere, good products, inexpensive prices.
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(Translated by Google) I saw that the shop just opened yesterday so I went to try it out. Really good stuff.
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