Weed in Thailand - WeedMaps for Thailand
Weed in Thailand - WeedMaps for Thailand

Public Feedback RequestProposed Classification
Cannabis Buds as Category 5 Narcotics

Deadline June 25th


The Ministry of Public Health is seeking public feedback on a draft proposal to reclassify cannabis and hemp as Category 5 narcotics. The proposal includes provisions for their medical, research, and health product use, while certain parts and low-THC extracts are exempt. Notably, the cannabis bud will be considered a Category 5 narcotic. Your input will help shape the final regulations.

Feedback Questions Summary

  1. Full Name of the Commenter
  2. Name of the Agency/Company of the Commenter (if any)
  3. You are (government agency, authorized person, related people, population, other)
  4. Reclassify cannabis and hemp as narcotics
  5. Allow the use of cannabis for medical purposes only
  6. Allow use for research purposes
  7. Allow the use of cannabis and hemp as ingredients in health products, such as cosmetics
  8. Do you agree with the draft announcement
  9. Other (please specify your additional comments)


We invite you to share your thoughts on the draft proposal to reclassify cannabis and hemp as Category 5 narcotics. This is an open forum for the community to provide feedback and express their opinions on the proposed regulations.