50 belgian beers, European food and thai food.... and of course the FAMOUS mussels and homemade food
Small Canna shop right on the bar, from local growers with passion for the mother plant.
A variety of edibles, jellies , honey , brownies and more.
Located right on SUNSET beach
Jellies are soft and mellow , with good high for day time, Where as the brownies are strong and perfect for a night time high with a group of friends
Honey is to infuse in some drinks.
Wer nach viel Thaifood auch Mal wieder Lust auf einen richtig tollen, fleischigen,Bacon-double-beef-Burger hat,ist hier richtig.Kellner sind freundlich und aufmerksam, Moskitokerze wird gestellt,Eingang direkt vom Strand aus
As you would expect, ridiculously high prices that are unjustifiable in our opinion (THB270 for a Belgian beer when you can get a whole authentic Italian pizza on the island for the same price). On the beach, so a nice view.